Gripper Class

The gripper class controls the servo which is attached to a gripping device which can open or close. Two frequencies for the servo are set which determine the open and close angle for the gripper.

.cpp Code

include <gripper.h>
#include <arduino.h>
#define open_angle 90
# define close_angle 0
gripper :: gripper(unsinged int pin){ m_gripper = new MegaServo; m_gripper -> attach(pin,800,2200); // The frequencies at which the gripper is open or closed m_gripper -> write(open_angle); m_position = 1; }
void gripper :: open(){ if(m_position) return; else{ m_gripper -> write(open_angle); m_postion = 1; } }
void gripper :: close(){ if(!m_position) return; else{ m_gripper -> write(close_angle); m_position = 0; } }

.h Code

#include <RangeFinder.h>
#ifndef gripper_h
#define gripper_h
#include <MegaServo.h>
class gripper{ private: bool m_position; // The position is either on or off MegaServo*m_gripper; //points to the class MegaServo
public: gripper(unsigned int pin); //Constructor, pin to which it is attached void open(); //no return void close(); //no return bool isOpen(); //returns what state the gripper is in };